Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Life a bitch. Than you die. END!

Good mourning Blogger. Its around 4 40 a.m. and I'm wide awake. I guess you can say I have a lot on my mind. But shit what the hell do I have this Blogger for than? I've been neglecting my blogger. And Blogger I would like to apologize for that. I'm really sorry. So in 08! I promise to put you to use.

First things first. There's this girl right, and where friends and boy oh boy. I'm crazy about her. But no matter what I say or do, it just seems like I'm gonna stay that guy friend. And that bites. I mean shit I don't know what to do if I was to be mean I'd run her off if I stay nice next thing will be that I'm the best friend. And thats not what I want at all. Shit she knows I like her I don't know what else to do. Maybe I should just date another girl. Yea I think thats what I'll do. Soooooo. Operation New Girl. In Progress.

Also today (today being 1/8/08 I just haven't been to bed yet) I got into a fight with a good friend. A really good one at that. But I feel I wasn't wrong at all, than again I always feel like I'm right. But hey I was right today I think. I just kept it 100 and maybe I shouldn't have. but hey.

I also went to go see NATIONAL TREASURE: BOOK OF SECRETS which turned out to be a really good movie. I went to go and see it with my best friend Monica B. We enjoyed it. from start to finish it was pretty good, had a little action a little comedy it was an good movie all and all. I recommend you going to see it if you get a chance.

After the movies we went to my friends Jens house. Man I use to be so crazy about Jen. I'd be lien if I where to say I didn't like her anymore but shit i used be crazy about that girl. She's Brazilian and we watched this wack ass soap and shit. and that shit was azz! Afterwards we played Mario Kart 64 me being the game wiz I truly expected to pretty much destroy the two females and wipe them off the face of the earth. But I lost the first match. lol. I won the second one though. Monica was so mad. hahaha. Hella funny.

One I got home from hanging with Monica I got in the house and hoped straight in the car. lol. I just hate being in the house. I went to pick up my friend Lil Mike and we went to the gym to met my other friends it was ok. But whenever I'm with my friends I usually have a good time. I got this priceless picture of Marcus by the way.

If I had to sum up my day today on a scale from 1-10 I would so give it a 6.5 if I would have never had that fight with my buddy. It would have easily been a 10 because I really enjoyed the few hours I spent with her. Like she really opened up to me today and that meant a lot me. ;-)

in honor of the movie National Treasure. heres a quote by my favorite and your favorite president Abe Lincoln!

"Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any one thing."
-Abraham Lincoln

Goodnight world.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

shut up.