Monday, January 14, 2008

It's so hard saying goodbye

Well I'm sitting at the airport right now. And I had to say goodbye to a few friends today, and it wasn't easy. Saying goodbye is one of the hardest things to do. Unfortunately I didn't get to say goodbye to one of my good friends but hey they say everything happens for a reason. I learned a lot in these past few weeks. I'm glad I came. I got a couple new friends and a few good good friends (wink wink) oh by the way this is my first blog from my brand new Dell Inspiron! Hopefully the first of many. :-) well it's about time for me to get on the plane. I'll be posting pictures and blogging about my trip within the next day or so. So ta ta for now.........



im sorry jay but i couldnt make it


im sorry jay but i couldnt make it