Tuesday, January 15, 2008


OK so like I've officially been home for one day now. And like it kinda feels good being home now. I miss being home you know just sitting there watching the tube all day. The good life! So like I had a long day today. I had to turn in a few papers for school and what not. But today was a foggy day and we all know my history on foggy days so I thought today was gonna be a bad day. It started off to be a fucked off day. My car wouldn't start so I had to walk to the bart and shit. I kinda like walking though. So yea.

That's my today is gonna be a good day Face and walk. lol.

I hate the fog! Damn you fog!

I love taco trucks! there on every corner out here. Crackin!

Isn't my city beautiful. :-)

Taco truck again! Hella cracking!

the gas is 3.85 it went down a little bit since i left. thats wassup.

Yes I ride the bart. Like Will Smith on The Pursuit to Happiness.

The Bay Area twin towers! hella tight!

I love the bay. I hate the fog though! Fuck you fog!

Have you ever seen a Goodwill store that looked that good.

The world's largest bank. I bet they got hella cash in there. Set it off anyone?

Now thats my kinda book store!

WTH! where was I at?

They said it was a big hit in Japan.

Oh yea a nigga went to Japan today and shit. hella tight!

Ok. Like I was lost right here.

Cracking! My nigga Reese moved the Winnebago out here and shit.

Oh shit. And he moved the shack out here! Cracking. Now we can kick it even more!

This is what I look like at the end of a long day. ;-)

Well even though It was foggy out today. I actually had a good day. The Warriors won and shit. I almost fucked around and had a triple double. Lol. Oh and I took the bombest nap. Today was a pretty good day. :-) Well it's about that time for me to hit the sack world. So like goodnight sleep tight don't let the bed bugs bite......


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