Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Home sweet home.

There's no place like home well at least that's what they say. I just got home like an hour ago from the Airport. First off my flight was delayed an hour and shit so that was wack. But my flight was OK I slept most of the flight and what not. I felt pretty cool going on the Internet at the airport for the first time. lol. This one guy asked me to use my laptop. I was like "Uh.... No..." Like why would you ask someone that? People are crazy.

So when I got the the Oakland airport I had to wait for my bags for like an hour, than had to wait for a cab. But I live right next to the airport so my fair was only 8.50 the cab driver was mad because I live so close. I wanted to laugh but he might have gotten mad.

First thing when I walk in the house my dad's girlfriend tells me Jay your license is suspended. Tell me about good news. Now I gotta go to court in the morning because I missed my court date while I was in Las Vegas.

Well I have a busy day ahead of me. I better hit the sack.......

Thats me packing. I don't know how to fold that well. But I made due.

Me getting ready to go to the airport. Omg I'm so sexy.

Me and the only woman I'll ever need in my life. My everything. My sunshine. My grandma.

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