Thursday, January 10, 2008

The Alaskan Assassin!

Today in Jays news! Jay had an bad day. :-) I really don't have much to talk about tonight. So with that being said. I'll like to just get to the pictures. oh yeah I also have a video for you tonight(morning).

Today I got an hair cut. And I'll be the first to tell you that it's whack. And I don't like it. I paid 20 bucks for a fuck up. 20 bucks I tell ya! >:-0



I really don't like my hair that low. but hey whats done is done.

What not to do at an coin star machine.

Once again another Priceless PRICELESS picture of Marcus!

Well that excludes my wonderful yet meaningless day. Oh yea I got stood up. It wasn't a good feeling by the way. :-( Well I'm off to watch a few pornos before I call it a night.


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