Friday, January 11, 2008


OK well a few hours back I stated that tonight should be a good night. It kinda was. Like I went to this party it was my friend Aviunt's 21st birthday and Kim's and um damn like I know the other girls name and all, but I hella don't know how to spell it right now. I also have had the biggest crush on Aviunt from the first day I laid eyes on her back in seventh grade (sigh :-/).

So they had an party at this club called frozen it was pretty nice. It was suppose to be an black and white party but you know black people just can't follow the rules. And they wonder why the police bother us and shit. So like niggas had on blue red hella shit. Like I was over dressed and shit. Oh well.

You know that third girl I was talking bout the one I said I didn't know how to spell her name. She was acting like so homo. If you looked at her wrong she threatened to call security. She's wack.

All and all the party was really nice Sonia fine ass was there and everything omg she's so fine the things I would do to her. I just hate how she swears she's the to good. Well anyways. So like I was dancing and shit I had a really good time seen some old friends and what not it was really nice.

I don't know what that black shit is. but damn i'm sexy. and I was hella drunk tonight.

Look Jay! Say cheese you dumbass! Aviunt is so beautiful.

Psh. Omg. lol.

Adrian! Three words. Get A Haircut!

Reese and Keneece. She has azz!

I'm sure you noticed by now. But I'm going to tell you anyway. I really Like taking pictures. I'm no pro or nothing. But It's something I really enjoy. I almost enjoy it as much as I like blogging.

She hella farted in Reese face. LOL LOL LOL.

I'm a fucking sexy beast! Damn!

Don't you just love off guard photos? They come out the best.

Three the hard way! Album coming soon!

My head is hella cut off. But like I was dancing with Quinci and she has hella ass. If I can remember right my penis was hard right here.

Here is the girl that name I didn't know how to spell call me dumb. Ok good you got that out of your system. But her mom would not like this at all. As a matter of fact I'm offended by this picture. Look at those Fingas! (toes)

Tonight was pretty cracking I guess. :-).. Oh yea tonight I realized that I really like Falsetto by The Dream. That song kills he sounds hella tight. And one more thing before I lay down when I was sitting down at the party this girl asked me about my ex (Melinda crespo) and I've come to realize that I really miss her. I miss her and love her a lot. She moved to New York not to long ago to go to school and stuff. So Linda if your reading this know that I love you very much. :-{..

Well I'm going to try to lay down and get some rest now. Ta Ta For now!

P.S. My camera is still kinda broken. Yea I know it sucks.


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