Friday, January 4, 2008

New Year! = New Things!

Happy late new year everyone. This is my first official blog of 2008! Oh yes! Well first off I would like to state that 07 was an OK year, It ended pretty crappy. But all and all I would have to say it was OK. I lost a few friends and gained a few special ones ;-)

Well anyways let's to get to the point of me typing this blog. So earlier today I had the pleasure to be accompanied by my two Best female buddies Monica B! and Killa Milla (my milla not yours) to go out and have lunch. Today was to be my last day in Vegas but it ended up not being so uh yea.

We decided to go out to one of my favorite restaurants which is located by suite 160 an sneaker boutique located on the other side of town. After much verbal abuse on the way there. When we finally get there. The damn place had been moved. It was no longer there! Omg. I was so hurt.

So there was this sushi jump off, I forgot the name located a few spaces down from my fav. place. Being that I've never had sushi, I said wth let's go for it and it was pretty good. I want be going back there anytime soon but it was good. The service was horrific. They wouldn't stop looking at us.

Like when we got done eating you know we want to chill for a second. But they just made us feel so uncomfortable so we had no choice but to leave. So besides that service it was a pretty good experience. I'm certainly glad that I decided not to go back home today.

And for your viewing enjoyment A few pics!

Milla and her damn shoes.

Monica B! It wasn't cold inside by the way.

Should I have given the chief a tip? Because that looked great.

Milla's was the grossest by way.

No Milla! there is no sushi up my nose!

Am I cool or what?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

my kick game is unsurpassed my all u sneakerheads lol! hater!