Saturday, January 26, 2008

Go Obama!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


OK so like I've officially been home for one day now. And like it kinda feels good being home now. I miss being home you know just sitting there watching the tube all day. The good life! So like I had a long day today. I had to turn in a few papers for school and what not. But today was a foggy day and we all know my history on foggy days so I thought today was gonna be a bad day. It started off to be a fucked off day. My car wouldn't start so I had to walk to the bart and shit. I kinda like walking though. So yea.

That's my today is gonna be a good day Face and walk. lol.

I hate the fog! Damn you fog!

I love taco trucks! there on every corner out here. Crackin!

Isn't my city beautiful. :-)

Taco truck again! Hella cracking!

the gas is 3.85 it went down a little bit since i left. thats wassup.

Yes I ride the bart. Like Will Smith on The Pursuit to Happiness.

The Bay Area twin towers! hella tight!

I love the bay. I hate the fog though! Fuck you fog!

Have you ever seen a Goodwill store that looked that good.

The world's largest bank. I bet they got hella cash in there. Set it off anyone?

Now thats my kinda book store!

WTH! where was I at?

They said it was a big hit in Japan.

Oh yea a nigga went to Japan today and shit. hella tight!

Ok. Like I was lost right here.

Cracking! My nigga Reese moved the Winnebago out here and shit.

Oh shit. And he moved the shack out here! Cracking. Now we can kick it even more!

This is what I look like at the end of a long day. ;-)

Well even though It was foggy out today. I actually had a good day. The Warriors won and shit. I almost fucked around and had a triple double. Lol. Oh and I took the bombest nap. Today was a pretty good day. :-) Well it's about that time for me to hit the sack world. So like goodnight sleep tight don't let the bed bugs bite......


Home sweet home.

There's no place like home well at least that's what they say. I just got home like an hour ago from the Airport. First off my flight was delayed an hour and shit so that was wack. But my flight was OK I slept most of the flight and what not. I felt pretty cool going on the Internet at the airport for the first time. lol. This one guy asked me to use my laptop. I was like "Uh.... No..." Like why would you ask someone that? People are crazy.

So when I got the the Oakland airport I had to wait for my bags for like an hour, than had to wait for a cab. But I live right next to the airport so my fair was only 8.50 the cab driver was mad because I live so close. I wanted to laugh but he might have gotten mad.

First thing when I walk in the house my dad's girlfriend tells me Jay your license is suspended. Tell me about good news. Now I gotta go to court in the morning because I missed my court date while I was in Las Vegas.

Well I have a busy day ahead of me. I better hit the sack.......

Thats me packing. I don't know how to fold that well. But I made due.

Me getting ready to go to the airport. Omg I'm so sexy.

Me and the only woman I'll ever need in my life. My everything. My sunshine. My grandma.

Monday, January 14, 2008

It's so hard saying goodbye

Well I'm sitting at the airport right now. And I had to say goodbye to a few friends today, and it wasn't easy. Saying goodbye is one of the hardest things to do. Unfortunately I didn't get to say goodbye to one of my good friends but hey they say everything happens for a reason. I learned a lot in these past few weeks. I'm glad I came. I got a couple new friends and a few good good friends (wink wink) oh by the way this is my first blog from my brand new Dell Inspiron! Hopefully the first of many. :-) well it's about time for me to get on the plane. I'll be posting pictures and blogging about my trip within the next day or so. So ta ta for now.........

Friday, January 11, 2008


OK well a few hours back I stated that tonight should be a good night. It kinda was. Like I went to this party it was my friend Aviunt's 21st birthday and Kim's and um damn like I know the other girls name and all, but I hella don't know how to spell it right now. I also have had the biggest crush on Aviunt from the first day I laid eyes on her back in seventh grade (sigh :-/).

So they had an party at this club called frozen it was pretty nice. It was suppose to be an black and white party but you know black people just can't follow the rules. And they wonder why the police bother us and shit. So like niggas had on blue red hella shit. Like I was over dressed and shit. Oh well.

You know that third girl I was talking bout the one I said I didn't know how to spell her name. She was acting like so homo. If you looked at her wrong she threatened to call security. She's wack.

All and all the party was really nice Sonia fine ass was there and everything omg she's so fine the things I would do to her. I just hate how she swears she's the to good. Well anyways. So like I was dancing and shit I had a really good time seen some old friends and what not it was really nice.

I don't know what that black shit is. but damn i'm sexy. and I was hella drunk tonight.

Look Jay! Say cheese you dumbass! Aviunt is so beautiful.

Psh. Omg. lol.

Adrian! Three words. Get A Haircut!

Reese and Keneece. She has azz!

I'm sure you noticed by now. But I'm going to tell you anyway. I really Like taking pictures. I'm no pro or nothing. But It's something I really enjoy. I almost enjoy it as much as I like blogging.

She hella farted in Reese face. LOL LOL LOL.

I'm a fucking sexy beast! Damn!

Don't you just love off guard photos? They come out the best.

Three the hard way! Album coming soon!

My head is hella cut off. But like I was dancing with Quinci and she has hella ass. If I can remember right my penis was hard right here.

Here is the girl that name I didn't know how to spell call me dumb. Ok good you got that out of your system. But her mom would not like this at all. As a matter of fact I'm offended by this picture. Look at those Fingas! (toes)

Tonight was pretty cracking I guess. :-).. Oh yea tonight I realized that I really like Falsetto by The Dream. That song kills he sounds hella tight. And one more thing before I lay down when I was sitting down at the party this girl asked me about my ex (Melinda crespo) and I've come to realize that I really miss her. I miss her and love her a lot. She moved to New York not to long ago to go to school and stuff. So Linda if your reading this know that I love you very much. :-{..

Well I'm going to try to lay down and get some rest now. Ta Ta For now!

P.S. My camera is still kinda broken. Yea I know it sucks.


Thursday, January 10, 2008


Last night I broke my camera. And after I did nothing to it, it's fixed! And on top of that I found a dollar in my back pocket. Tonight should be a good night!

:-) :-) :-) :-)

The Alaskan Assassin!

Today in Jays news! Jay had an bad day. :-) I really don't have much to talk about tonight. So with that being said. I'll like to just get to the pictures. oh yeah I also have a video for you tonight(morning).

Today I got an hair cut. And I'll be the first to tell you that it's whack. And I don't like it. I paid 20 bucks for a fuck up. 20 bucks I tell ya! >:-0



I really don't like my hair that low. but hey whats done is done.

What not to do at an coin star machine.

Once again another Priceless PRICELESS picture of Marcus!

Well that excludes my wonderful yet meaningless day. Oh yea I got stood up. It wasn't a good feeling by the way. :-( Well I'm off to watch a few pornos before I call it a night.


Wednesday, January 9, 2008

If wishes. Were fishes, The ocean would be empty.

Today was an very long but yet pointless day. But at the same time a very good day. Me and my bestie are cool again. :-) Oh yea and there's this party coming up this Thursday. I'm so there. Well anyways here comes the boring stuff........

Soooo........ Today I pretty much stayed home like a lame and played Tony Hawk PJ8 and went back and forth to myspace. I know the life of an loser, but damn I don't start school till the 17th. (sigh) Oh yea. I went to Jack-In-The box (I'm not sure if thats how you spell it out) and they have up with the best invention ever! Or meal it's two! I repeat TWO! tacos and chicken sandwich and a small drink for only 2.90 can you believe that? Neither could I. So I had to go and see for my self and sure enough they had it.

Later on (being a few hours ago) I went to get some donuts with Mike and Maurice. and I gotta XXXL size donut! hella tite!

F**K a kool-aid smile I gotta donut smile!


Yes Micheal. Mine is bigger than yours.

Oh and if you haven't noticed. I gotta new hoodie a Grey one I like it a lot.


Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Life a bitch. Than you die. END!

Good mourning Blogger. Its around 4 40 a.m. and I'm wide awake. I guess you can say I have a lot on my mind. But shit what the hell do I have this Blogger for than? I've been neglecting my blogger. And Blogger I would like to apologize for that. I'm really sorry. So in 08! I promise to put you to use.

First things first. There's this girl right, and where friends and boy oh boy. I'm crazy about her. But no matter what I say or do, it just seems like I'm gonna stay that guy friend. And that bites. I mean shit I don't know what to do if I was to be mean I'd run her off if I stay nice next thing will be that I'm the best friend. And thats not what I want at all. Shit she knows I like her I don't know what else to do. Maybe I should just date another girl. Yea I think thats what I'll do. Soooooo. Operation New Girl. In Progress.

Also today (today being 1/8/08 I just haven't been to bed yet) I got into a fight with a good friend. A really good one at that. But I feel I wasn't wrong at all, than again I always feel like I'm right. But hey I was right today I think. I just kept it 100 and maybe I shouldn't have. but hey.

I also went to go see NATIONAL TREASURE: BOOK OF SECRETS which turned out to be a really good movie. I went to go and see it with my best friend Monica B. We enjoyed it. from start to finish it was pretty good, had a little action a little comedy it was an good movie all and all. I recommend you going to see it if you get a chance.

After the movies we went to my friends Jens house. Man I use to be so crazy about Jen. I'd be lien if I where to say I didn't like her anymore but shit i used be crazy about that girl. She's Brazilian and we watched this wack ass soap and shit. and that shit was azz! Afterwards we played Mario Kart 64 me being the game wiz I truly expected to pretty much destroy the two females and wipe them off the face of the earth. But I lost the first match. lol. I won the second one though. Monica was so mad. hahaha. Hella funny.

One I got home from hanging with Monica I got in the house and hoped straight in the car. lol. I just hate being in the house. I went to pick up my friend Lil Mike and we went to the gym to met my other friends it was ok. But whenever I'm with my friends I usually have a good time. I got this priceless picture of Marcus by the way.

If I had to sum up my day today on a scale from 1-10 I would so give it a 6.5 if I would have never had that fight with my buddy. It would have easily been a 10 because I really enjoyed the few hours I spent with her. Like she really opened up to me today and that meant a lot me. ;-)

in honor of the movie National Treasure. heres a quote by my favorite and your favorite president Abe Lincoln!

"Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any one thing."
-Abraham Lincoln

Goodnight world.

Friday, January 4, 2008

New Year! = New Things!

Happy late new year everyone. This is my first official blog of 2008! Oh yes! Well first off I would like to state that 07 was an OK year, It ended pretty crappy. But all and all I would have to say it was OK. I lost a few friends and gained a few special ones ;-)

Well anyways let's to get to the point of me typing this blog. So earlier today I had the pleasure to be accompanied by my two Best female buddies Monica B! and Killa Milla (my milla not yours) to go out and have lunch. Today was to be my last day in Vegas but it ended up not being so uh yea.

We decided to go out to one of my favorite restaurants which is located by suite 160 an sneaker boutique located on the other side of town. After much verbal abuse on the way there. When we finally get there. The damn place had been moved. It was no longer there! Omg. I was so hurt.

So there was this sushi jump off, I forgot the name located a few spaces down from my fav. place. Being that I've never had sushi, I said wth let's go for it and it was pretty good. I want be going back there anytime soon but it was good. The service was horrific. They wouldn't stop looking at us.

Like when we got done eating you know we want to chill for a second. But they just made us feel so uncomfortable so we had no choice but to leave. So besides that service it was a pretty good experience. I'm certainly glad that I decided not to go back home today.

And for your viewing enjoyment A few pics!

Milla and her damn shoes.

Monica B! It wasn't cold inside by the way.

Should I have given the chief a tip? Because that looked great.

Milla's was the grossest by way.

No Milla! there is no sushi up my nose!

Am I cool or what?