Wednesday, November 7, 2007

I hate fog!

It's only 4:00 pm. And I've had the worst day of my life already! First off when I woke up today at 7:00 am it was foggy out side, and mind you I've never seen fog in my life. That shit was scary it was like a movie or something. I couldn't see shit! So I'm on my way to my first class wich is at 9:00 am, But for some strange reason I just had to go to ihop. So it's around 8 30ish and im like I'll just stop by and get some stuffed french toast and what not (yes i went by myself, call me lame i don't care). When I was done I tipped the guy 2 measly dollars i shouldn't have left him shit but i did out of the kindness of my heart.

Damn those heavenly stuff french toast. So now I get back on the freeway and I seen the mall and for some reason I wanted to go to the mall and check on these shoes that are coming out, so I did. And my day was going fine until I locked the keys in the car. Omg I couldn't believe it. I was just so upset with myself. The funny thing about it is that im suppose to be in class so I cant call my dad cuz i don't wanna hear him bitch at me. Now I ask around for some help and I only got a tow company's phone number. So than I call the tow truck company and there like it's 75 dollars and my bum ass only had 15 dollars cash in my pocket. So I need to go to the bank and make a withdrawal but the nearest b.o.a. was 5 miles away. So while i sat there comtinplating should i foot it. I found a 175 dollar money order in my back pocket. Duno where it came from but shit i had it. lol. And I went to the bank to try to cash it a wamu by the way, but they wanted two forms of i.d. so i was assed out! So I began to foot it, but it was just to damn hot the fog just disappeared within minutes now im sweating and shit. Than A light bub goes off in my head and I remember that my step-mom works out by the mall. So I call her and she comes. and luckily she has AAA and they came and opened the door for free. So i didn't have to come out of pocket. Than just when I thought it couldn't get any worse. I ran out of gas on the freeway. So now I have to walk one exit down. To the gas station, I got gas of course and I went back and put it in the car and went off on my way. Man all this wouldst have happened if it wasn't for this damn fog. Damn you fog. Damn you!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thats what u get!!!
