Monday, November 26, 2007

Self serve yogurt.

Well these past 5 days I was in southern Cal. For thanksgiving and to spend time with the fam. And It was ok, but So. Cal. isn't for me. While I was down I took a few pics though. Check em out!

Well the gas prices where outrageous!

Yes I am the cool big cousin.

Spirit fingers! Spirit fingers!

What can I say? Jay loves the kids.

Most of all I would have to say I like the self served yogurt. It was hella bomb! And It also has to be one of the easiest jobs. Ever! Like the people come in and serve it them selves. That's crazy.

Here is a picture of the walls. I thought it looked pretty cool. So I took a picture of it. haha.

And now the moment you've all been waiting for.....(hand clap) my self served yogurt! Boy doesn't that just look great! it came out to $4.25 but it was worth every penny. I love that place.

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