Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Happy Birthday Grandma!!!!!

Minnette Griffin birthday is today! One of the most amazing people in my life. My grandmother is the light of my life, I wouldn't know what to do without her. She's always been there for me from when i was a little kid running from my mom because she was tryna spank me to when i got R.P.C.d out of school she always believed me even if in her heart she knew i was wrong. And when I was a kid - I used to think she was a genius cuz she just had all the answers to all my questions, I member I got into a fight with one of my class mates in 3rd grade because I told him that my granny was the smartest woman in the world. He disagreed and we had to go there. lol. But man I could go on and on talking about how much she means to me, but I know one thing if I could just find a girl thats just a little bit like her. Man I'd marry her and keep her, thats my dream woman. Oh yea many people say i get my drop dead good looks from her. what you think? ;-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ur grandma is cuter than you....duh, but she loses points for passing out butterscotch on halloween..no one likes that but her and monica! :D