Friday, December 28, 2007

Random Vids.......

Thursday, December 20, 2007

video of the year

This has to be one of my favorite videos of 07 maybe even my favorite. The video was very creative and well thought out. All around a really nice music video.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Matrix Karate!

One of the funniest things i ever seen.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Make sure you floss!

Today was an good but yet random day. Like today I seen this guy jogging in downtown Oakland at 10 am. And it was raining outside. Like what was going threw that man's head? Well anyways if you haven't noticed yet I like to take pictures and this upcoming fall i'm going to take a photography class. killin! but heres a few pics from today. and for your viewing pleasures a video! it's my first video but I made it. I feel so cool. lol.

Isn't that guy a dumbass?


Uh you can't really tell but I got Purple! rubber bands I like purple.

Hella tite!

Sunday, December 2, 2007

It's all fun and games, until someone get's fresh!

Today was a chill melo day. Well really it turned out to be a good day. So far at least. I went out to San Fransisco and hit up a few spots with a friend of mine (tommi). I had a good time. I took a few pics while I was out there. But the main purpose of the trip was to kop a pair of shoes and that's what I did..... ;-)



The world famous street. Fillmore. Has anybody ever heard of Fillmore Slim? You know the pimp?

Recon/Nort one of the very few tier 0 store in the U.S. of A. They was aight. The clothing game was azz!

Upper Playground. It was a nice store. Very creative. One of my clothing clothing brands.

I duno bout you! But I know I love me some Ben & Jerry's and this was my first time seeing an actual store. Like this amused me.

Shoe Biz! was ass!

Well they did have the Jam Master's. R.I.P.

True. A very nice store. Supposed to be the one of the best shoe store's on the West coast. After stopping by I would have to say it is all around a very nice store. And they also have a really good selection on the cloth's tip. If you come to the bay you should check it out!

Kid Robot. If your collecting toy's you should really check them out. they had some sick shit. And there clothing brand is coming along also. Swizz Beatz himself has invested in the company so they should do well in years to come. He seems to have a good since of fashion.

Stussy! A really good store. Nice selection of shoe's a well put together store. I duno who that woman is. Don't ask!

FTC! I really like this store perhaps one of my fav. They had good deals on there sb's all retail prices. Very nice!

After all the spots I hit up. I walked away with these. I paid $60 bucks! pretty much a steal. I just couldn't refuse.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

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Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Big Brother!

This is the real big brother right here. Ye should have made the song for this brother combo. LOL.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Self serve yogurt.

Well these past 5 days I was in southern Cal. For thanksgiving and to spend time with the fam. And It was ok, but So. Cal. isn't for me. While I was down I took a few pics though. Check em out!

Well the gas prices where outrageous!

Yes I am the cool big cousin.

Spirit fingers! Spirit fingers!

What can I say? Jay loves the kids.

Most of all I would have to say I like the self served yogurt. It was hella bomb! And It also has to be one of the easiest jobs. Ever! Like the people come in and serve it them selves. That's crazy.

Here is a picture of the walls. I thought it looked pretty cool. So I took a picture of it. haha.

And now the moment you've all been waiting for.....(hand clap) my self served yogurt! Boy doesn't that just look great! it came out to $4.25 but it was worth every penny. I love that place.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving world! This year I spent Thanksgiving with the fam in San Diego and I'm still here and its been so so. Not what I expected but on the upside its really beautiful weather down here. I ate a lot of course but once you get passed the food, you realize that Thanksgiving is really just about food. It's about giving thanks. And I would like to thank my family, god and my friends. Because without them I'm nothing and they've helped me come this for. I love them all very much.... ;-)

Saturday, November 10, 2007

I'm in love.

If looks could kill.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Robot Chicken!

I couldn't stop laughing the first time I seen this on [Adult Swim] man. it gets me every time. Just watch!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

I hate fog!

It's only 4:00 pm. And I've had the worst day of my life already! First off when I woke up today at 7:00 am it was foggy out side, and mind you I've never seen fog in my life. That shit was scary it was like a movie or something. I couldn't see shit! So I'm on my way to my first class wich is at 9:00 am, But for some strange reason I just had to go to ihop. So it's around 8 30ish and im like I'll just stop by and get some stuffed french toast and what not (yes i went by myself, call me lame i don't care). When I was done I tipped the guy 2 measly dollars i shouldn't have left him shit but i did out of the kindness of my heart.

Damn those heavenly stuff french toast. So now I get back on the freeway and I seen the mall and for some reason I wanted to go to the mall and check on these shoes that are coming out, so I did. And my day was going fine until I locked the keys in the car. Omg I couldn't believe it. I was just so upset with myself. The funny thing about it is that im suppose to be in class so I cant call my dad cuz i don't wanna hear him bitch at me. Now I ask around for some help and I only got a tow company's phone number. So than I call the tow truck company and there like it's 75 dollars and my bum ass only had 15 dollars cash in my pocket. So I need to go to the bank and make a withdrawal but the nearest b.o.a. was 5 miles away. So while i sat there comtinplating should i foot it. I found a 175 dollar money order in my back pocket. Duno where it came from but shit i had it. lol. And I went to the bank to try to cash it a wamu by the way, but they wanted two forms of i.d. so i was assed out! So I began to foot it, but it was just to damn hot the fog just disappeared within minutes now im sweating and shit. Than A light bub goes off in my head and I remember that my step-mom works out by the mall. So I call her and she comes. and luckily she has AAA and they came and opened the door for free. So i didn't have to come out of pocket. Than just when I thought it couldn't get any worse. I ran out of gas on the freeway. So now I have to walk one exit down. To the gas station, I got gas of course and I went back and put it in the car and went off on my way. Man all this wouldst have happened if it wasn't for this damn fog. Damn you fog. Damn you!!!!!!!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Happy Birthday Grandma!!!!!

Minnette Griffin birthday is today! One of the most amazing people in my life. My grandmother is the light of my life, I wouldn't know what to do without her. She's always been there for me from when i was a little kid running from my mom because she was tryna spank me to when i got R.P.C.d out of school she always believed me even if in her heart she knew i was wrong. And when I was a kid - I used to think she was a genius cuz she just had all the answers to all my questions, I member I got into a fight with one of my class mates in 3rd grade because I told him that my granny was the smartest woman in the world. He disagreed and we had to go there. lol. But man I could go on and on talking about how much she means to me, but I know one thing if I could just find a girl thats just a little bit like her. Man I'd marry her and keep her, thats my dream woman. Oh yea many people say i get my drop dead good looks from her. what you think? ;-)

Monday, November 5, 2007

Best day ever!!!!!

Today I had a really good day. And I usually don't have really good days while being in the bay. But for some strange reason the stars where aliened just for me. lol. Well first off my granny and little cousin where out here from Vegas so it felt good to see them. And today the whole famlil cousin to the air port I was teary eyed by the way. Once I got home I got on the space (im so addicted to myspace) and it was crackin! lol. i was choppin it up with peeps and what not and out of no where i was told by two individuals that i was there role model. I felt so cool. Than later on me and one of my besties aka lama face made up we were fighting over something really dumb anyone, but that just made my day. And now here I am eating Apple jacks my favorite cereal in the whole wide world. I love apple jacks...

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Superbowl 41.5

NE Vs. IND the battle of the two undefeated teams of the NFL went down today. And it was a game to remember. Although there was less scoring than I thought there would be, it was pretty much a really good game. I was going for the Colts and they looked like they had it up until around 6 mins into the forth quarter. If I had to pick a team to win it all after this game.... I'm still riding with the Colts.. Yea I said it... Go Colts!

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Bluetooth anyone?

Well I was browsing around on myspace on some guy's music page, and i found this picture of a guy with a phone rubber banned to his head. Now I don't know about you but I just thought this was the funniest thing ever. I had to blog it as soon as i seen it. ROFLMAO!

Friday, November 2, 2007


Paul Rodriguez Jr, is one of the sickest skateboarders ever. i absolutely love this commercial. i fall in love with it from the first time i seen it....

Sunday, October 21, 2007

1.. 2.. Freddy's coming for you...

Get in the fall spirit(no pun intended) and go rent some horror flicks! The Nightmare On Elm Street dvd box set is a must have. It even comes with 3D glasses! Did you know that Johnny Depp's first acting roll in a movie was on the first Nightmare On Elm Street(1984)? It's pretty awesome. Rosanne Arnold even makes an appearance in Freddy's Dead; The Final Nightmare. Does anyone ever remember dreams/nightmares from wayyy back in the day? I had this one nightmare where Freddy Krueger himself, was chasing me around and around this one bush that's in the parking lot of my towns bank. He wouldnt give up on chasing me, until I stopped and asked if he'd help me get all the kids at school that would pick on me. Freddy politely agreed and then I woke up. Maybe that gave me some sorta courage in life as a kid, in some crazy way....

Monday, October 15, 2007

My First Day on Blogger

well today is my first day on blogger. and I just signed up for it. I feel i have so much to tell. I will try my best to update my blog daily so stay tuned.