Tuesday, October 6, 2009


It's been over a year since my last blog entry. Although it seems much longer than that. Here I am again back on my blogger. It feels good to be back online. lol. :-)

Over the past year a lot has happened I guess. For example I turned 22, to be honest with my self my life hasn't gone as planned. Why when I was 12 I seen my self in the NBA or NFL at this age but what 12 yr old doesn't you know. I'm gonna be a father here soon as well. Although I'm nervous I think everything will come out fine. My girlfriend is 3 months pregnant now she's really looking forward to this. Me not so much. lol. I know once I see it for the first time I'll feel much different about the situation.

I'm gonna be a dad!

R.I.P. Michael Jackson

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