Monday, June 2, 2008

Wet N Wild!

06/01/08 - Which equals. Yesterday. lol. Yesterday was a good day. At first I didn't expect it to be such a good day, because it started off so badly. But it picked up really quick I guess you can say.

So first off around 2ish I gave Jamilla a call and asked her if she would like to go to Boulder Station with me. She replied yes and I proceeded to pick her up and we went off. I played 5 dollars on the slots and won 38 dollars. lol. My self being very cheap quickly cashed out. And called it a day.

After leaving Boulder we met up with Monica B at my crib. (Oh did I mention that it was Marcus's little sister Birthday?) After a little horse play we where off to Marcus house. Mind you he lives clear on the other side of town.

When we finally get there, there food and drinks for everyone I was starving so I couldn't help but eat a hot dog our two. They where pretty good by the way. And while eating I noticed that the kids where playing with water guns and getting wet. They looked like they where having such a good time that I couldn't help my self but get in on the action! There for making yesterday! WET N WILD! lol. Man I miss Wet N Wild.

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