Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Kill Joy

Besides the nasty weather. Today was a chill calm easy going day. Chilled at the house all day though. While doing so I did a little bonding with grams. Aimed it up with a few peeps that I haven't spoke with in a while I can't really complain.

I also downloaded the new N*E*R*D album and I'm listing to it as I type this entry so far its a nice album. The beats are pretty dope also.

As I sit here typing this entry I can't help but wait (trey songz voice) until tomorrow. I'm over whelmed with anticipation. You know why? Because its game one! Of the NBA Finals to bad my Pistons didn't make it. But the God himself Kobe will be there holding it down. I say the Lakers in 6-7 Thats right you read it here first!

Go Lakers!

Good Night World! ;-)

P.S. How about that Obama!

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