Sunday, February 17, 2008

Slam Dunk!

When you think of the month of February for many Valentines day comes in to mind. But for Most N.B.A. fans All Star weekend is what your anticipated for. And this year well it's still going on. But the dunk contest has ended and it was a pretty good showing this year. On a scale from 1-10 I'd have to give it a 7. My man Dwight Howard came and give an electrifying performance.

All though The N.B.A hated on my man Howard he still came and left as the slam dunk champion. Mind you last year he was in it and got snubbed. He put a sticker on the top of the back board. thats like 12-13 feet. thats crazy!

And the he also wanted to raise the goal up to twelve feet. But they wouldn't let him. Can you believe how crazy that would have been. Like damn. That would have been nasty!

To keep it solid I thought Howard wasn't going to win this year either but he hella brought his a game this year. He scored 200 points over 2 rounds which means he had a perfect dunk each time. But I can't take nothing away from Gerald Green His birthday cake dunk was stupid!

He actually lit the candle jump caught the ally and blew out the candle than dunked it!

Here are a few of Howard's dunks.

To my dismay I wasn't able to find Dwight's ally/self lob off the glass dunk. Which was his sickest! dunk. Dwight showed that the big men get up to.

Now with all that done. While I was watching the dunk contest last night I asked myself who was the sickest dunk champ ever. And I know many of you will all say Micheal Jordan. I mean he was sick and all. And easily is one of the greatest dunker's. but I like J Rich. Yeah Vince was nice to. But J Rich Takes the cake.

Like damn. Look where my man head is at. Mind you he's 6'5 like damn. He has bounce!

But I can't take nothing away from M.J. this dunk was also crazy! The cock it back from the free throw line. That was stupid. But Jordan was never really a vertical leaper in my eyes and was more of a leaper kinda guy.

With the dunk contest now over. I'm really looking forward to tonight's All star game. it should be good. But with Kobe's finger hurt there is a chance he might not play. But if he does. The West will win! Yes you read it here first!


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