Wednesday, May 28, 2008


For some reason today seems kinda odd. I mean it's only 8:10 in the morning, but today feels likes something odd or exciting is going to happen to me. Well I guess I will have to wait to find out.


Well It's 3:05 in the afternoon and today has lived up to the hype so far. I had traffic court this morning and besides having to pay 190 for a speeding ticket it went pretty smoothly. I was only in there for a record time of 5 mins. Like I was amazed. I went in got my number and it just so happened to be next. This was strange and unusual.

In celebration of my record time Monica and I decided to go and eat breakfast. We ended up going to a buffet it was pretty decent. When we where done stuffing our faces, I thought it would be a good idea to wash my grandmother and her car. So like we did. lol.

Now its around 3:20 I'll be updating later!

Ta ta for now. :-)

Ok well its 10:05 pm and I'm back! lol. And I'd have to say that my day was a good day. Despite the Pistons losing mind you it was a great game the Pistons being down by seventeen at one point came all the way back with in one in the forth quarter.

I also had a pointless conversation with someone need not to be named that kinda screwed up my night but oh well. I'm going to go on myspace play a few games of pool and call it a night.

Good Night World!

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