Thursday, May 29, 2008

Power to the Mascots

Roid's anyone?

Is it still cheating if everyone is doing it? This Friday “Bigger Stronger Faster” hits selected theaters, covering the dirt behind the steroid controversy here in America. From the producers of Fahrenheit 9/11 and Bowling for Columbine, this one should be interesting.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Movies x iPhone

I recently posted this vid on my myspace blog. And it just cracks me up every time I watch it. I mean because it's so true. Like seriously think about it. Let me stop before I rant on and on about it. Just watch the vid.

Applaud now, die later

I myself am a big fan of Robots and robotics in general. So while surfing around on the net i found this Video.

It’s all fun and amusement until they’re walking us around on leashes.

Dope Facts

Recently launched, Scientific Facts of is a new site which provides a cohesive guide to the scientific truths of marijuana. The sites features regular updates on new studies as they are concluded and released and a massive collection of links to official scientific studies, held by everyone from medical schools at Danish and Israeli Universities to California cardiovascular institutes.

Studies primarily focus on the health impacts of cannabis and THC; topics include marijuana’s ability to combat heart disease, cancer, diabetes, osteoperosis, Alzheimer’s, liver disease, epilepsy, skin allergies, post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety and depression.

And that’s just a taste.

Barack Oballer

Check this video of Obama’s hoop game. This is cool, we should have a President who’s got skills on and off the court.

Rumor has it that his political advisors told him to wear the tapered sweat pants to appeal to middle aged white guys.


For some reason today seems kinda odd. I mean it's only 8:10 in the morning, but today feels likes something odd or exciting is going to happen to me. Well I guess I will have to wait to find out.


Well It's 3:05 in the afternoon and today has lived up to the hype so far. I had traffic court this morning and besides having to pay 190 for a speeding ticket it went pretty smoothly. I was only in there for a record time of 5 mins. Like I was amazed. I went in got my number and it just so happened to be next. This was strange and unusual.

In celebration of my record time Monica and I decided to go and eat breakfast. We ended up going to a buffet it was pretty decent. When we where done stuffing our faces, I thought it would be a good idea to wash my grandmother and her car. So like we did. lol.

Now its around 3:20 I'll be updating later!

Ta ta for now. :-)

Ok well its 10:05 pm and I'm back! lol. And I'd have to say that my day was a good day. Despite the Pistons losing mind you it was a great game the Pistons being down by seventeen at one point came all the way back with in one in the forth quarter.

I also had a pointless conversation with someone need not to be named that kinda screwed up my night but oh well. I'm going to go on myspace play a few games of pool and call it a night.

Good Night World!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Happy Birthday to Me!

Yes Yes Yes! Today is a very special day in deed. For today is my Birthday!