Monday, March 17, 2008

Priceless Photos!

Happy St. Pattys Day!

As of today I've been back in Vegas for a week now, and it's been a very interesting week I might add. A lot of Surprises! But I'm just glad to be back home. For good this time. With all that being said!

Well today was an pretty good day. I did a lot and what not. I hung with my boy Reese at his mom's house and his daughter was there and I absolutely love her! with all my heart. And I really enjoy every moment I have with her. I don't plan on having any of my own anytime soon so his will do for now. Lol.

The Princess!

My lil bro and The Princess again!

My Lil brother he wants to be just like me when he grows up.

Fuzz. That's Reese's lil brother he so ugly.

Killa milla's drive way she killing the whip game.

Me and my Lama. She look's like a bug right here.

Monica B and I. Where so not cool right now.

At the movies. Milla swears she has such good hair. Oh and thanks milla for picking out a great movie. So if you haven't already. Go and see Fools Gold.

My man Mike. He's a fag. I still love him though.

Me doing the space thing.


OH yeah i forgot to add that I have this funny video from today. My nigga Reese is a bad influence on children. Don't be like him.

Saturday, March 8, 2008


According to a new study, America now has 1.6 million people in prison.

That’s the same as 1 out of every 100 adults. The statistics are even scarier when it comes to rates of minorities, with 1 in 36 Hispanics behind bars, and a whopping 1 in 15 black adults. The US imprisons more people than any other country in the world.

Because of this, we spend about $49 billion in taxes annually on corrections. The average amount of money spent in that time to incarcerate an inmate is $23,876. By 2011, the US is expected to spend $74 billion dollars each year on the prison system.

Hopefully, this will be a wake up call to lawmakers. Their current policy of warehousing people is not effective, in terms of cost or in terms of fighting crime.

As the saying goes, all prison does is make better criminals.

Consider this; it costs $23,876 per year to imprison a person for one year, and about $5,000 for one year at a public college. If our country got serious about ‘fighting’ crime, they would realize that it must be done at the ground level. There are people who commit violent crimes and deserve to be imprisoned, but then again, there are tens of thousands of people who have committed non-violent crimes and are behind bars for years. These people, for the most part, are not threats to themselves or their communities, but none the less are stuck behind bars for years, and at a high cost to tax payers.

If we really want to do something about crime, we should try diverting those funds to the communities that really need them. Put the money into inner-city & rural school systems and community centers. Try increasing treatment for repeat drug and alcohol offenders. Offer re-education for inmates after release, so at least they have an idea of the options available to them. Try retraining police forces so that they can do actual policing and not just resort to the strong arm tactics that many officers use.

The Government’s current policies are self defeating. Unless something is done soon, the US will continue to look less and less like a democracy, and more like a totalitarian state.

Jay reminds all of my readers: be careful out there, and know your rights.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Random Photos

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Photo of the week.

Well if you haven't noticed already. I'm really PRO Obama.
Like I even lost a friend over an argument over him
And with that being said here's my Photo of the Week

You choose in 2008 Obama let's get it!